Why Do I Wake up With Puffy Eyes?

Sleep is the one way our bodies help us rejuvenate and feel relaxed after a long day’s work. But, sometimes, rather than wake up with a relaxed face, some people end up having puffy eyes. This article will look at the causes of puffy eyes. We’ll also mention some remedies like skincare products you can use to get rid of puffy eyes. Here are several reasons why you wake up with puffy eyes.

A Horrible Night’s Sleep

The first way you can have puffy eyes is through a terrible night’s sleep. Not having a good night’s slumber makes it relatively easy for your eyes to look puffy, especially when you’re stressed. Stress causes your body to release the hormone cortisol that causes a significant change to your body’s salt balance. When your salt balance is not functioning appropriately, this can cause water retention under your eyes and causes tissues around your eyes to swell.


Another reason your eyes may look puffy might be allergies. Puffy eyes mean that you contact airborne allergens that automatically come into contact with your eyes’ lining and dissolve into tears. The allergens then proceed to react with your cells’ antibodies, causing your body to release histamine. This is a chemical your immune system releases in response to allergens. Once released, this chemical causes a hive-like reaction and leads to puffy eyes.

An Increase in Alcohol Consumption

Increasing your alcohol consumption can cause you to wake up with puffy eyes constantly. Your body has a similar reaction to an increase in alcohol like it does sodium. Too much alcohol dehydrates your body, and this causes it to stockpile as much water as possible for the future. The more water your body retains, the more it swells due to the excess water. This also causes the skin around your eyes to retain fluids, eventually causing puffy and dark circles.

You Are Aging

Unfortunately, your age can also cause you to wake up with puffy eyes. With time, the tissue around your eyes tends to weaken, and this causes fat to directly fall in your eyelids and create a puffy eyelid effect on your lower eyelids.

How Do I Get Rid of the Puffy Eyes?

Identifying the cause of puffy eyes can help make getting rid of them easier. But, if you still haven’t, here are some temporary remedies you can use to reduce puffy eyes. And they are:

  • Drinking water in plenty to prevent dehydration.
  • Applying cold tea bags or cucumber slices over your closed eyes.
  • Use of eye drops. This will help relieve irritation.
  • Using skincare products specifically formulated for use on puffy eyes.
  • Reducing the consumption of salt.

By identifying puffy eyes cause, you get one step closer to dealing with the problem. It also helps you rest assured that there’s something you can do about your puffy eyes. At Skin Care Products West Dermatology, we value your beauty just as much as you do. And that’s why we have remedies that will help you get rid of puffy eyes. You can learn more about us here:https://skincareproducts.westdermatology.com/

Skin Care Products West Dermatology

4060 Fourth Ave., Suite 415 

San Diego CA 92103


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